Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Hire the Old Guys


So I am the least hire-able thing in America right now:  A straight, white, older male. I can't do much about any of that, but I can argue one point: Older.

Y'all should hire the old guys (and I use "guys" generically -- it applies to women too, probably even more so). You should hire us because, well, first of all, we have been doing what we've been doing for a while. We should have it figured out, right? I mean, work smarter not harder? And even if you're hiring us to do something we aren't currently doing, we've gotten good at figuring things out. After all, we weren't born into the internet age, but we just answered your email, so ...

But it's bigger than all that, because this is the larger point: We've already done stupid. The old guys have done all the dumb things younger people do, and discovered it's a bad idea. We know that drinking all night and missing work is a bad idea. We know not reading the instructions and just faking it is a bad idea. We know that ignoring the guy who has done the job for 10 years and thinking we know better is a really bad idea. Because we've been that other guy.

So hire the old guys. You'll thank me later.

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