Thursday, May 24, 2018

This Is A Problem

Ever since Dwight Eisenhower warned about the "military-industrial complex," we've worried about how they would take over the government ... and the world. It was the theme of "Rollerball" and any other science fiction stories. In one of its most lethal forms, it becomes Skynet, the AI, self-aware automaton that takes over the world in the Terminator movies.

Well, guess what: you can stop worrying about Skynet being a military operation. We'll just walk into it thanks to corporate fear, according to Axios. The problem is "already, researchers believe that the increasing dominance of big tech companies is partly to blame for wage stagnation in the U.S. and elsewhere, because companies left behind can't afford to pay the higher rates earned at dominant rivals." Those leading with AI, in other words, will come to succeed more and more thanks to a beneficial survival, and so others will rush to catch up.

I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords.