Thursday, February 4, 2016


I once told a friend -- happily a frequent viewer then of this blog -- that I had a hard time finding stuff to say. I needed to be both inspired and inspiring, and I still think I do.

There are some pieces in the works, but writing is hard. To find something worthy of your time (I refuse to be the guy who does the word equivalent of posting a picture of lunch on Twitter) and then to make it something that is readable, something that has writing that makes reading easy and ideally a pleasure ... well, it takes work, and concentration, and time. I find I just don't have any of that. Especially concentration.

What is it about days recently that I not only keep running out of time (I'm stealing a moment here while actually working as an audio technician at a radio station) but more importantly focus? I used to consume books wholesale, take time to read news, come up with the occasional original idea, and maybe settle in for a moment to form what I think is an interesting little piece of writing that might entertain others.

But now it's a treadmill of crisis management; the focus just isn't there. I have never had the most patient personality -- I find things like jogging boring; I've always said my short attention span made me perfect for television -- but now no cohesive thought, no structured story arc or well reasoned argument can settle in for production.

It's a predicament ....

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