Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hi There!

I heard a story once (I really should see if there's any truth to it, but why ruin a good story with truth?) that William F. Buckley, Jr., carefully added the name of one of his rivals in the index of a book.  Next to it there was no page listing, just a little note: "Hi there!"  He knew the man's massive ego would drive him, on seeing the book, to flip immediately to the index to see if he was mentioned in it.

I do actually check the traffic numbers on this blog.  Why, I can't really say.  They run in the single digits as a general rule, and that doesn't really surprise me.  If I get over 20 hits, I feel like I've written a best seller.

But I have to note that, pretty consistently, there are four views of this page every day.  That's kind of nice.  I don't know who you are (though I suspect I know you), but I appreciate the interest.  It's nice to know I'm not writing just for myself, and that my stuff keeps you coming back.

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